Lou Goodwin

Lou has worked for Safe Routes to Schools in Marin County for 16 years. She's in the classroom or on the blacktop teaching Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety to kids of all ages. She covers bike handling skills as well as tips to safely navigate Marin's streets and crossings.

Because her favorite part of the job is seeing the joy and wonder on a person's face when they master balancing the bike, she's signed on with Bicycle Solutions to teach kids and adults how to ride.

"People just need to be given the right tools, treated with patience, and be taught with a progression - they'll be riding in no time!"

Lou grew up riding her bike through the streets of Chicago but was destined to live in California. You'll regularly see her on local roads with her panniers full of Safe Routes supplies or other times "way the heck out there" in the mountains around Fairfax. Lou has degrees in Exercise Science and Cardiac Rehabilitation and has worked in the field of Medical Research. Now she's happy to be "the bike lady" on school campuses across Marin.